Level 1/102 Kedron Brook Rd, Wilston

Recognised as one of Australia and New Zealand’s leading Metabolic Balance® practitioners for the last 3 years!


One of Australia and New Zealand’s leading Metabolic Balance® practitioners for the last 3 years!

Pricing guide for our popular services and consultations

Prices are inclusive of GST and in AUD $.

Discovery Call



15 min


  • Discussion with clinical nutritionist to determinine the best path for your wellness journey

Metabolic Balance® Program

Price on application


Multiple consults over 3 months


  • One-on-one consults with Metabolic Balance® practitioner
  • Your unique Metabolic Balance® nutrition plan
  • Exclusive access to Metabolic Balance® App
  • A special support pack containing items to assist you on your journey to health
  • A Metabolic Balance® inspired recipe eBook
  • Peace of mind knowing that the Metabolic Balance program is a professional practitioner only program

Blood Chemistry Analysis



2 consults (30min and 60min)


  • Two (2) one-on-one consults with clinical nutritionist
  • Functional health report, based on your own blood work, giving you an in-depth, comprehensive clear outline of your body’s health trends.
  • Personalised nutritional recommendations will be provided along with the knowledge to find your way to optimal health and wellness.

*Blood tests are not included in price

Personalised Nutrition




90 min


  • One-on-one consult with clinical nutritionist
  • Zinc Tally test (in-person consults only)
  • Blood pressure (in-person consults only)
  • Nail analysis (in-person consults only)
  • Body Composition analysis (in-person consults only)
  • Health appraisal
  • A comprehensive understanding of your symptoms, conditions, nutrition and lifestyle.

Personalised Nutrition

Report of



60 min


  • One-on-one consult with clinical nutritionist
  • A report outlining the findings of your test results
  • A comprehensive treatment plan and relevant information for you to read
  • Discuss any supplementation you may require (supplement costs apply).
  • Together with your nutritionist, build a nutrition plan that works with your lifestyle and dietary preferences, so you can reach your goals.

Personalised Nutrition




30 min


  • One-on-one consult with clinical nutritionist
  • A review of your symptoms, conditions, nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Follow-up appointments are usually spaced between 2 – 4 weeks apart depending on your individual health requirements.
  • Any tests which are required to be performed at follow-up appointments are an additional cost to the consultation fee

A Year From Now, You’ll Wish You Started


Karen Lamb

There are so many ways nutrition can help you achieve your wellness goals. We know we can help you on your wellness journey, so let’s get started!

Please call to book in a discovery call


Or submit the form and we will get back to your as soon as we can!

Areas of interest: